Walking in Spiritual Reality by Seeing God’s Way of Release from Bondage by Relating with God through the Lord’s Passover


Passover was prescribed to be more than a mere celebration of freedom from bondage. It marks a total discharge—a genuine release and relief from the heavy burdens of sin and effects of the bondage and corruption of the world, its systems, and environments in which we live.

Passover also points to an opportunity to see how God begins the creative process and does new things. So it’s a season to prepare for releases into new things according to the purposes and plans of God. He separates light from darkness, truth from error and lies, and people from the weight, pressures, and burden of bondage.

Therefore, Passover marks the beginning of new things God initiates. Consequently, He puts the past behind us and prepares us for a new season of grace. So we have the opportunity to receive the pour of His love, grace, and release; and go forward—pressing towards new things and God’s upward call.

Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
—  Isaiah 43:19


Messiah Yeshua-Jesus truly bore our sins. As a result, He thoroughly released us from the burden of the effects of sinful tendencies. The Holy Spirit, He said, would come to be our comforter; providing real relief from stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and every evil thing. The gospel, therefore, provides a real assurance and hope of spiritual freedom.

However, in order to experience a new sense of liberty, we have to truly receive His love and grace. In addition, we must let go of things of the past; things that weigh us down. We may also have to break free of barriers or constraints. What type of restraints? Things that restrain our moving about or being able to receive new things and new opportunities from God so we can advance forward in life.

One form of constraint is unforgiveness. It blinds us in bitterness as we judge others. In addition, it holds us back from receiving measures of God’s grace.

The Lord would, therefore, have us continue growing and advancing forward. He wants us to live with a hope for the future. The Holy Spirit yearns to cleanse, strengthen and fill us with greater measures of peace and joy the world cannot comprehend! It’s so we can advance forward into new areas of release and bear new measures of fruit– for His glory.

So, since we have come to be considered righteous by God because of our trust, let us continue to have shalom with God through our Lord, Yeshua the Messiah. 2 Also through him and on the ground of our trust, we have gained access to this grace in which we stand; so let us boast about the hope of experiencing God’s glory. (Romans 5:1-2 JNT)


Have you appropriated the Lord’s total discharge from the heavy burdens of sin– or even past failures?

Have you cast off guilt and shame?

Are you experiencing real relief from anxiety, stress, fear, and depression?  If not, place your burdens at the foot of the cross. Submit them to the Lord. Allow His blood to wash them away, and let the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind through the Holy Spirit.  (Philippians 4:6)

Do you see opportunities for new things God may be doing in your life?

Do you see new resources, new ground for you to possess?

Do you hear heaven’s call to bring liberty and greater joy into your life?

What barriers or constraints may be holding you back from receiving God’s promises?


Romans 8:1-39; Hebrews 6:9-12; 2 Peter 1:1-21


Vertical movement: As you allow the Lord to cast off restraint and experience His release from bondage, you more fully appreciate the value of your connection to the Lord.

Horizontal movement: The more you experience the Lord’s release from various forms of bondage, the more you will appreciate the refreshment of the Holy Spirit so you can advance forward in the strength of the Lord.

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