Finding the Significance of God’s Key Concept of Reconciliation through the Lord’s Feast of Trumpets


The Feast of Trumpets, typically celebrated as Rosh Hashanah-Head of the Year, gives a great visual aid of God’s key concept of reconciliation. In fact, God designed this appointed time to serve as a “wake-up call” to bring God’s people into alignment with Him ten days before the solemn Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). So it was to begin a special period of reconciliation with God. That’s why it is called “Ten Days of Repentance” or “Days of Awe” which culminate in Yom Kippur.

Keep in mind, the trumpet (ram’s horn, or shofar) was also used to alarm the people and prepare them for battle. Remember the battle of Jericho? At the sound of the trumpets, God’s army of angels overcame Satan’s stronghold and army of demons. As a result, the walls of the city, or stronghold of Jericho, crumbled.

So the Feast of Trumpets, therefore, serves to arouse us and call us to arise in spiritual awakening! Keep in mind, trumpets were also used to proclaim the entry and presence of a king. Therefore, we likewise boldly proclaim the Lord, Messiah Yeshua-Jesus, King of the Universe! He is our reconciliation with God. So we honor His kingship and authority over creation.


John the Baptist came immersing people in the water to “prepare the way of the Lord.” Messiah Yeshua-Jesus fulfilled this love feast and came as King of Kings! So in His resurrection, He conquered the power of evil and spiritual death. He did so by defeating the enemy of our souls, Satan, the devil and spiritual adversary. As a result, He opened the way to truly know and appreciate the reality of the love of God.

On the cross, the Lord declared, “It is finished.” The finished work of Messiah Yeshua-Jesus permanently opened the door to AMAZING GRACE. In addition, He granted FULL ACCESS to God’s greater capacity of life through the Holy Spirit! So in Him, we are reconciled to God for all our sin and shortcomings. We are also positioned to walk in His victory.

Be reminded, however, that Satan hasn’t given up the battle and his role of temptation and affliction. Hence, Jesus taught believers to pray, “lead us not into temptation.” So Paul was diligent to remind believers that we fight a very real spiritual battle. He, therefore, encouraged believers to continue to “fight the good fight of the faith” (1Timothy 6:12).

We, therefore, continuously celebrate the many aspects of the Feast of Trumpets several ways. Firstly, we receive the pour of God’s love and allow the Holy Spirit to convict our hearts of revealed sin. Consequently, we then receive Messiah’s reconciliation on our behalf. So in gratefulness, we acknowledge and confess revealed sins to God.

In addition, we prepare our heart to wage spiritual warfare. So we fight against temptations to sin, standing on God’s Word in faith. We also acknowledge the Lord’s victory over the power of sin and death. As a result, we receive His reconciliation on our behalf and the power of His victory.

Paul, therefore, reminded believers that having being reconciled to God, the Lord has given us the “ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). We apply this ministry daily in our union with the Lord, endeavoring to be continuously reconciled– in alignment– with God and man. As a result, we maintain peace with God and our fellow man.


Our worship prepares the way for God to minister to our heart through His Word and Holy Spirit. In what ways do you prepare your heart to receive God’s truth and love?

Forgiving others sets us free from our own feelings of guilt and condemnation. Are there any people you need to forgive?

Sometimes it’s difficult to reconcile our differences with others. Somebody has to take the first step. Are there people you need to be reconciled with? Ask the Lord for courage, and you will receive it.


Leviticus 23:23-25; Joel 2:1; Matthew 3:3, 5:24; Romans 5:10,
Matthew 5:24, 6:14-15, 2 Corinthians 5:13-21


Vertical movement: As you come to greater understanding of the Lord’s work of reconciliation, the Holy Spirit draws you deeper, enlightening you. You, therefore, find courage to boldly proclaim the Lord, King of Glory and mighty in battle! He has won the victory over the power of sin and death. He has also armed you with His strength to overcome in life’s situations.

Horizontal movement: The more you experience the Lord’s reconciliation in your heart, the more you will realize the reality of His amazing grace. Consequently, you will also receive the fullness of the blessings of His redemption.

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