Responding in Faith to God’s Invitation to New Life and Peace by Relating with Him through the Lord’s Atonement


The Lord became the atonement for our sins to grant us new life in Him. We appropriate His atonement by appreciating His sacrificial blood for the remission of our sins and receiving the pour of His love.

The new life is a life under the law of grace. In Him we receive the operative power of the Holy Spirit; thus living in the freedom of the law of the Spirit.


Paul came to an incredible revelation: “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). He, therefore, revealed how the Lord offers us the amazing grace of new life in the Holy Spirit.

However, our fleshly tendencies are inclined towards satisfying carnal desires, and therefore subject to the sway of sin and worldly ways. Consequently, giving into sin—the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and pride of life—brings guilt upon us. So as a result, we live under the operative power and consequences of the law of sin; which leads to spiritual death.

Repentance, on the other hand, provides a deliberate way to turn back to God and live according to His ways. Consequently, you receive His mercy and forgiveness. As a result, you live under the operative powers of the law of grace—the liberty of God’s Spirit. So you can walk in the new life and bear fruit unto God.


Review Paul’s monologue in Romans 7. How do you relate to what he is describing?

Then read Romans 8. Meditate about what Paul is relating. Compare the benefits and values of life as a child of God vs. life under the sway of sin and pulls of worldly ways.


Romans 7:1-24; Romans 8:1-39; Galatians 3:21-29; 5:16-26


Vertical movement: As you grasp hold of the new life God offers you, the Holy Spirit will draw you deeper in God, transforming your thoughts, feelings and emotions. You will experience the Lord forming Christ in you, helping you grow into “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

Horizontal movement: The more you experience the joy of the Lord, living under the grace of the law of the Spirit, the more you will realize the amazing grace of intimate fellowship with the Lord. This will also enable you to experience more rewarding and fruitful fellowship with others.

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