Finding Significance in the Lord’s Justification by Relating with God through the Lord’s Passover


The Feast of Passover has great significance. It provides a visual aid of God’s deliverance from bondage and oppression to true freedom. How so? Bondage comes in many forms. Some things keep us in constraint by restraining our freedom externally.

The most subtle forms of bondage, however, are the things that bind and blind us internally. For instance, things like bad attitudes, unforgiveness, pride and lust for things put us in more bondage than we think. The Bible calls these things sin.

So we try to justify or redeem ourselves. However, this is merely self righteousness. And that doesn’t work with a holy God who created us. God, therefore, used the story of the deliverance from the bondage the children of Israel experienced in Egypt to reveal the greatness of His love. Furthermore, it serves as a visual aid pointing to His greater plan of redemption.

So the Feast of Passover was originally inaugurated to mark and remember Israel’s deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. God heard the cries of the people and determined that it was time to do a creative, redemptive act. In reality, He revealed a new way of bringing people into relationship with Him. Consequently, anybody seeking redemption, restoration and a relationship with God can benefit from understanding the greater significance of what Passover represents!

And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant. Therefore say to the children of Israel: ‘I am the LORD; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. I will take you as My people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the LORD your God who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.   (Exodus 6:5-7)

A lamb without blemish was sacrificed, and its blood was washed over the doorposts of the home. This marked the house “off limits” for the angel of death that struck the first born of Egypt.


In a similar fashion, the Lord led a sinless life and was crucified the same day the Passover was celebrated.  So He served as our permanent substitute for the lamb. He justified our standing before God and redeemed our life from the bondage of iniquity—our sinful tendencies.

Therefore, Messiah revealed truth and gave meaning to this sacrifice– His sacrifice. He demonstrated God’s love in a new way! He became the way, the truth and the life! In Him, you have new life! Regardless of your past, God sees you as a new creature. He has accepted you, loves you, values you and wants to give you a new sense of self-worth and purpose.

In addition, He wants to do a new thing in you! So accept and receive the fullness of the pour of God’s love! Receive His justification for your righteousness. As a result, you will gain enlightenment of a new standing and personal relationship with God. It will open the way to discovering in a greater way the fullness of your significance in life.


The Lord taught us to pray, “May your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10 JNT)

In what areas do you need to see God’s redemption or deliverance from a particular type of bondage?

This could be anything; an addiction, bad habit, besetting sin, a form of oppression, state of mind, bad situation, etc. Take your case to God in prayer.  Let God’s Holy Spirit lead you in His Word. Let it work in your heart.  Receive the saving and sanctifying grace of the Lord’s deliverance in faith.  Continue to talk to God about the issue.

As He helps you through, He will bring you to a level of peace and understanding.  The Lord is your deliverer!  The Holy Spirit is your teacher and source of real empowerment and life of liberty.

One final note: as it relates to eternal life, are you sure that you would be justified before God as righteous, and be eternally at peace with God in heaven?

I encourage you to read John 3:16-21 and Romans 10:6-10.  Then read and meditate on John 14-16; and receive the prayer the Lord prayed for you in John 17.


Psalm 18:1-50; Exodus 12:1-50; Leviticus 23:1-5; Matthew 26:17-25; 1 Corinthians 5:7-8; Romans 1-5


Vertical movement: In receiving Messiah’s justification and redemption before God, you receive deeper understanding of the purpose of Messiah’s sacrifice.

Horizontal movement: As you pursue more understanding of how Messiah justified you before God, you will begin to experience the Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification or strengthening and cleansing.

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