Responding in Faith to God’s Invitation to Special Fellowship by Relating with Him through the Lord’s Feast of Tabernacles


God appointed a special time to have a special kind of fellowship with Him and our fellow man. He called it Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles. It was prescribed to be a most joyous time to celebrate life for eight days, recalling the awesome things God did that year.

So it marks a special time to be grateful for God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises and sustaining life through times of trial and conflict. Furthermore, it points to an awesome way of gathering with fellow believers in a prolonged feast of God’s love, sharing testimonies of God’s goodness and doing life together!

The Feast of Tabernacles, therefore, marks a special time to express gratefulness towards God in a great, joyful way.  It points forward to an awesome extended time of feasting on God’s love and goodness, today and for eternity.


After the Lord had ascended to heaven, the disciples remained in a state of worship and fellowship. “These all devoted themselves single-mindedly to prayer” (Acts 1:14 JNT).

In fact, Acts 2:44-45 reports the magnitude of their cooperation with one another. They continued living faithfully towards God and one another with singleness of purpose. They shared life and reflected on the genuine love of God.

The context of Scripture truly has in view a spirit of real covenant love; intimacy, mutual affection, care, and concern for one another. They shared what they had. They also supported one another. As a result, they lived expressing a genuine sense of community. The glimpse we have from their engagement, in essence, is a real knitting of hearts: between God and man; and one another.

We can learn great lessons from the early disciples. They devoted themselves to God and experienced real community. As a result, they experienced great transformation; individually and corporately. Consequently, it also established a benchmark, revealing how to bring transformation on a greater scale.


What kind of fellowship do you maintain with other believers?

Are you part of a small group that prays for one another, supports one another– emotionally and physically, and fellowships in God’s Word and His Spirit, testifying of His works?

What opportunities do you have to witness the working of God’s power?

What kind of relationships do you maintain that build your faith and nurture your relationship with God?


Acts 1:1-26; 2:1-47; 5:42; Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Philemon 2


Vertical movement: As you gather with fellow like-minded believers full of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit draws you deeper. You experience more of the vibrant life of God. As a result, you position yourself to experience great fruitfulness.

Horizontal movement: The more you experience fellowship– with God and one another– the more you learn about the realities of life. In addition, the Holy Spirit gives you insights into spiritual realities. You learn about things God wants you to retain, as well as things He desires you to release; even things from which He desires to release you.

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