Finding the Significance of Dedication by Relating with God through the Lord’s Feast of Firstfruits


The Feast of Firstfruits provides a great visual aid of what dedication to God is about. How so?

God instructed the children of Israel to celebrate the Feast of Firstfruits after coming into the Promised Land and reaping the benefits of its harvest. On the one hand, Firstfruits marked a way to dedicate the first fruits of the harvest, or fruits of our efforts to God. However, it represents more than dedication to God. It also provides an opportunity to express gratefulness to God. In addition, it provides a special way to express devotion and loyalty to God.

On this day, God also directed the children of Israel to begin counting 50 days to offering a new grain offering. So it commemorates the 50-day journey from the deliverance of the bondage of Egypt to the receiving of God’s 10 Commandments and revelation of His covenant at Sinai.

It also serves to remind us that redemption was not truly complete until receiving God’s covenant. Finally, taking the time to count each day and meditate on the reality of God prepares our heart and mind to truly receive a full dose of truth and revelation of the love and knowledge of God.


The reality of the coupling of the deliverance, or salvation and redemption experience with God’s Covenant Word is emphasized in the very first words of the Gospel of John.

In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. (John 1:1-5 NLT)

What a great affirmation this is of:

  • The unity, divinity, and incarnation of the Word and Son of God
  • The eternal nature of God and His Word
  • The value of truth as a reality of liberty in God
  • God’s dedication to His word and Spirit
  • The superiority and sovereignty of God’s Word as the eternal Light of Life over every contrary power that pales in comparison

The Lord lived as a man, taking on our human nature.  He dedicated His life in devotion and obedience to the Father; thus saving ours from spiritual death. In fulfillment of the appointed time of the love feast, the Lord arose on the 3rd day after Passover, the very day of the Feast of Firstfruits.

In His resurrection, He, therefore, became the first fruit of the expressed love of God. In addition, He was the first fruit of the human race to experience the resurrection of the new life!

Therefore, those born again in the Lord follow in His footsteps. We also have the opportunity to celebrate this love feast on an ongoing basis in faith as we dedicate our lives—our hearts and minds first—and service and duty to glorify God. As a result of our gratefulness we reap the fruits and benefits of His amazing harvest.


In what ways do you express your gratefulness to the Lord for dedicating His life to save yours?

In what ways do you establish dedicated times to study God’s Word and reflect on God’s business?


Leviticus 23: 9-14; Proverbs 3:9; 1 Corinthians 15:20


Vertical movement: As you discover the significance of dedication to God, the holy Spirit draws you deeper. You then realize the values and benefits of expressing gratefulness towards God.

Horizontal movement: The more you dedicate yourself to God, the more you experience the true joy of His response back to you!

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